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"no" => "444",
"title" => "Dragons",
"title_kr" => "용들",
"context" => "Dragons are imaginary creatures.
They frequently appear in legends and folktales.
One of the twelve Chinese zodiac animals is a dragon.
Dragons look different depending on the region.
In Asia, they resemble snakes with long tails and necks.
In the West, they have wings and can breathe fire.
In all the stories, dragons are powerful creatures.
So, they symbolize fortune and strength.
"context_text" => "Dragons are imaginary creatures.
They frequently appear in legends and folktales.
One of the twelve Chinese zodiac animals is a dragon.
Dragons look different depending on the region.
In Asia, they resemble snakes with long tails and necks.
In the West, they have wings and can breathe fire.
In all the stories, dragons are powerful creatures.
So, they symbolize fortune and strength.
"context_img" => "",
"context_kr" => "용들은 상상의 동물이에요.
그들은 전설이나 설화에 자주 등장해요.
12간지 동물 중 하나가 용이에요.
용들은 지역에 따라 다르게 보여요.
아시아에서, 그들은 긴 꼬리와 목을 가진 뱀과 비슷해요.
서양에서, 그들은 날개가 있고 불을 내뿜을 수 있어요.
모든 이야기에서, 용들은 강력한 동물이에요.
그래서, 그들은 행운과 힘을 상징해요.
"guide" => "[학습목표]
Let’s talk about Dragons!
[Teaching Tips]
1. Where can we often find dragons in stories?
2. What special things can Western dragons do?
3. What do you think about dragons?
"wordtip" => "imaginary 상상의 / creature 동물 / frequently 자주 / appear 등장하다 / legend 전설 / folktale 설화 / different 다른 / depending on ~에 따라 / region 지역 / resemble 닮다, 비슷하다 / snake 뱀 / wing 날개 / breathe 내뿜다 / symbolize 상징하다 / fortune 행운 / strength 힘
"mp3" => "",
"sct" => "",
"video_file" => "",
"video_link" => "",
"level" => "0",
"comprehension" => "1. What are dragons according to the passage?<br>
2. Why are dragons considered powerful?<br>
"discussion" => "1. Why do you think dragons are so popular in stories for kids?<br>
2. If you had a dragon friend, what special powers do you think it would have?<br>
"enie" => "",
"open_flag" => "1",
"open_datetime" => "2024-01-22 00:00:00",
"img_flag" => "0",
"editor" => "Amelia Moon",
"department" => "Staff Reporter",
"email" => "kinder/1705883459/1613368303",
"manager_id" => "0",
"modified" => "2024-01-22 14:22:40",
"created" => "2024-01-17 15:52:36"
"Video" => array(
"content" => "Dragons are imaginary creatures.
They frequently appear in legends and folktales.
One of the twelve Chinese zodiac animals is a dragon.
Dragons look different depending on the region.
In Asia, they resemble snakes with long tails and necks.
In the West, they have wings and can breathe fire.
In all the stories, dragons are powerful creatures.
So, they symbolize fortune and strength.
"content_kor" => "용들은 상상의 동물이에요.
그들은 전설이나 설화에 자주 등장해요.
12간지 동물 중 하나가 용이에요.
용들은 지역에 따라 다르게 보여요.
아시아에서, 그들은 긴 꼬리와 목을 가진 뱀과 비슷해요.
서양에서, 그들은 날개가 있고 불을 내뿜을 수 있어요.
모든 이야기에서, 용들은 강력한 동물이에요.
그래서, 그들은 행운과 힘을 상징해요.
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"lcm" => "r_444_nature",
"cate_title" => "초급영어"
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<p class="edu_sub_title_txt">Dragons</p>
<p class="edu_sub_title_img" style="top:0"><span class="text_hidden">트로피이미지</span></p>
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