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"no" => "177",
"title" => "Rice Cake Skewers",
"title_kr" => "떡꼬치",
"context" => "Let’s make rice cake skewers!
Don’t forget to ask an adult for help.
First, stick the rice cake strips on a skewer.
You can also add sausages.
Warm up the pan.
Put some oil on the pan and cook the rice cake skewers.
When they become crispy, put them on a plate.
You can dip them in a red chili sauce or teriyaki sauce.
They taste the best when they are hot.
ingredients: rice cake strips, skewers, oil, red chili sauce, teriyaki sauce
"context_text" => "Let’s make rice cake skewers!
Don’t forget to ask an adult for help.
First, stick the rice cake strips on a skewer.
You can also add sausages.
Warm up the pan.
Put some oil on the pan and cook the rice cake skewers.
When they become crispy, put them on a plate.
You can dip them in a red chili sauce or teriyaki sauce.
They taste the best when they are hot.
ingredients: rice cake strips, skewers, oil, red chili sauce, teriyaki sauce
"context_img" => "",
"context_kr" => "떡꼬치를 만들어 봅시다!
어른에게 도움을 요청하는 것을 잊지 마세요.
먼저 떡을 꼬치에 꽂으세요.
소시지를 더해도 됩니다.
후라이팬을 달구세요.
팬에 기름을 조금 넣고 떡꼬치를 구우세요.
바삭바삭해지면 그릇에 놓아 주세요.
이것을 고추장 소스나 테리야끼 소스에 찍어 먹을 수 있어요.
이것은 뜨거울 때 제일 맛있어요.
맛있게 먹어요!
재료: 떡, 꼬치, 기름, 고추장, 테리야끼 소스
"guide" => "학습목표
1. 떡꼬치에 대해서 이야기 해 보세요.
[Teaching Tips]
1. 떡꼬치는 어떻게 만드나요?
2. 떡꼬치는 어떻게 굽나요?
3. 떡꼬치는 어떨 때 가장 맛있나요?
"wordtip" => "rice cake 떡 / skewer 꼬치 / forget 잊다 / ask 묻다 / help 도움 / stick 꽂다 / strip 조각 / add 더하다 / sausage 소시지 / warm up 데우다 / pan 팬 / crispy 바삭바삭한 / plate 그릇 / dip 살짝 담그다 / red chili sauce 고추장 소스 / teriyaki sauce 테리야끼 소스 / taste 맛이 나다 / best 최고의 ",
"mp3" => "",
"sct" => "",
"video_file" => "",
"video_link" => "",
"level" => "0",
"comprehension" => "1. What do you have to do before pan-frying the skewers? <br>
2. When do the skewers taste the best? ",
"discussion" => "1. What can you add on the skewer? <br>
2. Did you eat rice cake skewers? ",
"enie" => "",
"open_flag" => "1",
"open_datetime" => "2018-10-01 00:00:00",
"img_flag" => "0",
"editor" => "",
"department" => "",
"email" => "",
"manager_id" => "0",
"modified" => "2018-10-01 13:53:58",
"created" => "2018-10-01 13:53:58"
"Video" => array(
"content" => "Let’s make rice cake skewers!
Don’t forget to ask an adult for help.
First, stick the rice cake strips on a skewer.
You can also add sausages.
Warm up the pan.
Put some oil on the pan and cook the rice cake skewers.
When they become crispy, put them on a plate.
You can dip them in a red chili sauce or teriyaki sauce.
They taste the best when they are hot.
ingredients: rice cake strips, skewers, oil, red chili sauce, teriyaki sauce
"content_kor" => "떡꼬치를 만들어 봅시다!
어른에게 도움을 요청하는 것을 잊지 마세요.
먼저 떡을 꼬치에 꽂으세요.
소시지를 더해도 됩니다.
후라이팬을 달구세요.
팬에 기름을 조금 넣고 떡꼬치를 구우세요.
바삭바삭해지면 그릇에 놓아 주세요.
이것을 고추장 소스나 테리야끼 소스에 찍어 먹을 수 있어요.
이것은 뜨거울 때 제일 맛있어요.
맛있게 먹어요!
재료: 떡, 꼬치, 기름, 고추장, 테리야끼 소스
"mp3" => "",
"lcm" => "r_177_yummy",
"cate_title" => "초급영어"
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<p class="edu_sub_title_txt">Rice Cake Skewers</p>
<p class="edu_sub_title_img" style="top:0"><span class="text_hidden">트로피이미지</span></p>
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AjaxHelper::$__ajaxBuffer = array
AjaxHelper::$base = ""
AjaxHelper::$webroot = "/"
AjaxHelper::$theme = NULL
AjaxHelper::$here = "/kinder/news/2048/Kinder.Section:2/pages:1"
AjaxHelper::$params = array
AjaxHelper::$action = "news"
AjaxHelper::$plugin = NULL
AjaxHelper::$data = NULL
AjaxHelper::$namedArgs = NULL
AjaxHelper::$argSeparator = NULL
AjaxHelper::$validationErrors = NULL
AjaxHelper::$tags = array
AjaxHelper::$__tainted = NULL
AjaxHelper::$__cleaned = NULL
AjaxHelper::$Form = FormHelper object
include - APP/views/layouts/news.ctp, line 5
View::_render() - CORE/cake-1.3.18/libs/view/view.php, line 736
View::renderLayout() - CORE/cake-1.3.18/libs/view/view.php, line 494
View::render() - CORE/cake-1.3.18/libs/view/view.php, line 440
Controller::render() - CORE/cake-1.3.18/libs/controller/controller.php, line 909
Dispatcher::_invoke() - CORE/cake-1.3.18/dispatcher.php, line 208
Dispatcher::dispatch() - CORE/cake-1.3.18/dispatcher.php, line 172
[main] - APP/webroot/index.php, line 86