Scientists Explore Ancient Ways To Grow Crops on Mars



Scientists Explore Ancient Ways To Grow Crops on Mars

Scientists Explore Ancient Ways To Grow Crops on Mars0Scientists are working on ways to grow food on Mars for future human colonies. Researchers at the Wageningen University & Research in the Netherlands discovered that “intercropping” may help. First used by ancient Maya farmers, this method involves planting together different crops that could help each other grow.

Using soil similar to Martian soil, the researchers grew cherry tomatoes, peas, and carrots in a greenhouse. The tomatoes grew twice as many and bigger fruits when planted with peas. Intercropping did not benefit peas or carrots, however.

Growing food on Mars is critical because sending food from Earth would be costly and risky. Scientists hope to use the resources available on Mars to support human life in the future.

Luis Apolo
Staff Reporter